Iepirkšanās ratiņi

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Par šo produktu
Papildu informācija
- Tips: Li-ion
- Krāsa: black
- Svars: 0.29 kg
- Izmēri: 284.10 x 88.40 x 5.95mm
- Piemērots ražotājam: Acer
- Voltāža: 15.2V
- Piemērots ierīcei: Aspire R7, Aspire R7-571, R7-571G-73538G75, Gateway NE511 ; Acer Aspire ES1-511, ES1-512, M5-583, M5-583P, V5-452, V5-452G, V5-452P, V5-452PG, V5-472, V5-472P, V5-472PG, V5-473, V5-473G, V5-473P, V5-473PG, V5-552, V5-552G, V5-552P, V5-552PG, V5-572, V5-572G, V5-572P, V5-572PG, V5-573, V5-573G, V5-573P, V5-573PG, V7-481, V7-481G, V7-481P, V7-481PG, V7-482, V7-482P, V7-482PG, V7-581, V7-581G, V7-581P, V7-581PG, V7-582, V7-582P, V7-582PG
- Aizstāj: AL13B3K, KT.00403.013, 41CP6/60/78, TIS 2217-2548, AP13B3K, KT.00403.015, AL13B3K, 41CP6/60/78, TIS 2217-2548
- Jauda: 3500mAh
- Elements: 4